N.D. Court Affirms Guardianship Case
Tuesday, April 5, 2005 - 04:45:27 AM
A retired federal judge who once issued a landmark ruling on the rights
of the mentally retarded to live outside state institutions was properly
moved to a locked Alzheimer's ward in 2003, a court ruled Monday.
I will be digging into Judge Van Sickle's case soon. Coming up: A
special feature on the controversy surrounding former Ms. Wheelchair
Wisconsin, Janeal Lee.
You've been back! Unfortunately, it looks like you only returned to the first posts that got you there in the first place -- the incendiary and cruelly satirical ones.
It looks like you missed the posts immediately following yours where we were summarily taken to task by one of our own for crossing the lines of good taste and "satire" into something else (and worse) altogether. I don't know how deeply (or recently) you delved, but I'm assuming you missed the posts where we discussed you, your blog and the Baron's and my contributions to it as really quite positive and thought-provoking things.
When we thought it was just us, we were free to treat the outside world (the Real World) as an abstraction, and we spiralled into this cruel and unrealistic brand of "satire." But once we received your note and started really talking about these things, I think it's fair to say that we returned to being the reasonable, thoughtful people we are in real life (and in person.)
I had a conversation just last night with the Baron and Moishe (who flew across country to see us) and with Unfinished Side just this topic, and we agreed -- we are really excited about this possible exchange between blogs.
I'm sorry, I'm being long-winded again. Here are some posts that you might find relevant... and, I hope, redeeming! :)
Cold Cold Hearts
I Heart Cynthia
Hey trampoline,
Sorry, you're right. From the few posts I commented on, it looks like I haven't given the blog a chance. Turns out, I had already come to the conclusions you suggest in this latest message. You guys at RCFYA are irreverent, but I can accept that as a challenge to my tendency to take myself and everything else too seriously sometimes. I'm impressed with the ideas put forward, and I'm happy to have the opportunity for dialog. Anyhow, your comments, and the Baron's, at Wheelz Life Notes facillitated my favorite exchange ever.
Thanks for that, and see ya around the blogosphere!
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